Wednesday, August 11

Blog On ... Original Indulgence

This "Work" I've been and remain engaged in that I call the Mythogenic Self Process or MythoSelf(tm) for short ... continues to hold my fascination. More and more as I engage in and enter the depths of this work I come to expand the realization of what I've been initiated to and undertaken for myself.

One interesting point of my personal search ... the process of "finding myself" as I originally heard it spoken of from my older "hippie" cousins in the late 1960's and early 1970's when I was just a wee lad myself ... has been the ever deepening of the "Mystery." I've come to recognize a few things since 1975 or thereabouts when I began in earnest my own journey of finding myself - what I now know of as who I want to "be becoming" ... a reference to the endlessness of the journey itself. One such thing that's dawned on me ... that while this journey of mine continues unceasingly I always remain at the center of the destination ... as long as I remember myself being here. This sense of standing in the center of my journey ... allows me to recall that I am also standing in the heart of the Mystery.

If you'll allow me I'd like to go back a bit to an earlier journey than my own ... which nonetheless I perceive to be continued in my own journey as well. The journey I refer to we can begin to reference in antiquity and by all rights it would be proper to do so ... yet I'm not that kind. So let's pick up the thread of a journey begun for all intents and purposes at the dawn of the "Age of Man" ... an epic tale now spanning about four million years or so ... and recorded for about the last 5000 years of that. Let's rush all the way near the most current chapter of this history of the journey to around 1900 A.D. by the Georgian Calendar or so. This year marks the time that represents as well as any the start of the part of the tale I want to tell.

Somewhere round'about 1900 A.D. or so the dawning of the modern age was about to begin. The demi-god "Science" had well begin to replace, legions of Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian gods and the gods of countless other tribes and peoples spread over the surface of the planet, all the Dionysian gods and even the more wrathful Apollonian G-d of the Judeo-Christians-Moslems, a god of nomads and desert tribes, a god of justice. In this place of which I speak ... the North of Europe ... the gods and prophets of the East where all but unknown. And, for the small group of the tribe of Judah left searching for a home there remained virtually no G-d known to many of them at all ... so many turned to face the new rising religion of Science.

Two of these men of the tribe ... both men of Science, began to shape the early part of the 20th century with profound new ideas ... a new cosmology was being shaped ... a "relative" cosmology ... where the hand of G-d was less obviously or explicitly found. Yet I propose that both of these men were in fact searching for the G-d of Israel, the one their ancestors knew intimately and the one they knew their ancestors had worshipped for generations beyond number. I propose to you dear reader these men were desperate in their search to find His fingerprints and relieve their existential and ontological angst and suffering. I suggest you consider further that these men were driven by this desperation to do the monumental things they did. What's interesting most it seems that though they may have forsaken their G-d the G-d of Israel had not forsaken them.

One man went to the purity and poetry of the language of maths (I prefer the British term - poetic license if you'd like), while the other went the less sure and more elusive route of plumbing the depths of the Unconscious and creating a new language to describe what he found there ... in the dark. Together these men reshaped the cosmology of their time and left as a legacy the cosmology most of you reading this found and find yourselves growning up in instead.

What maybe most defines this legacy remains if not the command, the desire, to expunge the Mystery ... the Dionysian ... the Goddess ... to bring to the world an illumination of explanation and understand ... Apollonian in form ... and ruthless, leaving no mystery unsolved. Yet even the disciples and high priests of Science that followed have not routed the Mystery from the Universe ... she remains ... alluring ... sensuous ... demanding ... and tempting as ever. She calls to all who have ears to hear ... and offers a glimmer of herself to all who have eyes to see. Her sons ... and her daughters too ... remain drawn to her song, her visage ... and most of all to her caress.

So here then our tale begins ... with the G-d of Israel and the Goddess too ...

The sacred form ... of the soul rejoined ... the male and female in communion and concert ... Yin and Yang swirling and complete ... ever restless in a sea of perfect calm ... the Universe abides ... and the song of the heavens awaits only for the turning of our face to the bridge of stars to make itself known.

Here at the heart of the Mystery resides the Work I've submitted to ... that found me when I most too was desperate ... and in my desperation ... searching found what I'd had all along, and was blinded and deafened to, until I awoke again to the sublime Mystery. The Work in fact remains to submit to the Mystery ... without desire or cause to know Her ways ... to be at peace and come to rest in Her bosom ... and there know ourselves instead. The letting go ... the price of entry into Her ... of our desire to understand or explain Her ... to accept Her whole and complete ... to know Her Being and Becoming are one and the same.

This Work then holds forth the demand to reside in the Mystery. To let go the search and find ourselves found. Not only to accept the mystery of Her, but to encourage a deepening of the Mystery as well. To add to this force our own ... to reach beyond the limits of the Known ... into the depths of the Unknown ... whilst letting go completely of desire or ambition to know what cannot be known.

This acceptance is the prime directive ... the sublime submission to accept the joining of the soul with itself ... and release ourselves to become what we are ... instead of what we desire to be. I fear I go too far for some ... maybe even for most ... and while you've indulged me at my request I offend your sensibilities with my suggestions. That rebuking the priests of Science while they hold the alter at which most worship remains a offense punishable by the worst of penalties ... exile. Yet I know that I must follow Her to the end of my days ... and to the end of the Cosmos if She but asks ... and to this end I submit myself with devotion ... following the Mystery into Her lair ... and finding myself coming home.

I invite the most intrepid of you to follow ... to accept the caress of the Mystery ... and let go ... let go of the desire to know ... the desire and demand to understand ... to embrace the gift she offers of "experience" ... pure ... raw ... unadulterated ... and to feel the energy of it flowing ... saturating you ... filling your loins ... until you believe yourself full to bursting ... and then allowing yourself the release ... shuddering with it ... allowing it to stagger you ... with the realization of the power and awe She holds ... until you find only yourself ... content ... and connected ... laughing at the thoughts you'd held of ever being alone ... and knowing the truth beyond words ... what cannot be contained by words ... beyond the very reach of language itself ... laughing with the joy of knowing this ... pure ... raw ... unadulterated ... energy ... flowing in and through you ... and seeing everything and everyone permeated by Her as well.

I wonder ... how many have the courage of belief ... such that such a letting go of everything known will be possible ... as it was for at least one of these men of Science, a man who called upon his G-d to remember him in the end, as he saw not only the fingerprints but the whole mind of the Maker in the design of the Universe ... and left us to embrace the Mystery again ... with wonder and awe at the magnificence of the vastness sublime?

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