Monday, August 9

Just Perfect ...

"... this is a test ... this is only a test, had this been a real occassion something surely would have happened ..."

So there you go about it ... a new fangled way to reach out and touch someone ... blogging. In some ways it couldn't be easier to say something ... whether or not you've actually got something to say ... and in another way ... why would anyone want to read another thing coming off the Internet when there's already so much information inundating them already?

The only possible clue to the popularity of blogging ... and "NO!" the insane desire of people to pontificate, rant and rave regardless of the vacuity of their words doesn't cut it as the answer, because even the insane drop their volume when no one else remains ... seems related to the willingness of people to search the 'information superhighway' for someplace interesting enough to rest awhile. That means that if a 'blog' comes across as particularly interesting it will in fact become popular ... despite the prolific amount of drivel available in every flavor and form in this medium.

There you have it ... the damn thing has to be interesting enough ... to catch and keep people's attention. That means either it becomes outrageous ... National Enquirer ... Star ... kind of conspiracy, alien romance or sexual scandal kind of stuff ... religious, political or sexual smut ... or especially focused at a group of like minded folks who are drawn together by some particular slant or idea that resides at the heart of the particular blog in question ... and of course ... "then there's sex ..."

So then the $64,000,000 question (inflation and all ... and the zero's cost me nothing') ... "How in the hell do you make it interesting enough for people not only to read the damn thing ... but to want to read it again and again ... and again ... sex notwithstanding? That then will in part be the particular focus of this particular blog ... the skill set that some people already have almost enough of already, that almost all people want more of ... and that some don't yet have any of and desperately want to have some of ... and while all of this applies to sex ... "NO!" in this particular case in point I'm not referring directly to it (SEX?) ... I'm referring to the ability to capture the attention of others, influence and persuade them, gain fantastic amounts of wealth and power ... AND THEN THERE'S ...

SEX .. sells itself ... short ... tall ... fat ... skinny ... black ... white ... red ... all over ... sex had been referred to as one of the primary motivators on the planet ... and not just with humans ... but among all animals ... sex drives the species forward ... and for many if not most people it both captures and holds their attention (as you of course know already if you've read this far) ... at least long enough to create a penetration and hopefully a connection ... regarding the material you want to insert in the delivery of your information transfer ... and an openness occurring on the other side makes this easier and more pleasant as well. There can be no question that sex remains both a prolific and powerful force to open things up and start the fires of imagination ... and imagination still remains one of the greatest if not 'the' greatest tool in the professionals (or amatuers if you'd prefer) persuader's/influencer's arsenal. Yet ... and here lies the punchline ... there are also othere tools in the arsenal equally worth becoming familiar with and expert at ... it you want it more often ... to come out your way in the end ... especially when you're interacting with others and the outcome depends on them as much as it does on you.

And while there will be no shortage of sex ... and "YES! ..." I will show you how to use it "(SEX!!!) ... especially in regard to persuading, influencing and maybe most significantly of all ... motivating ... people ... yourself and others ... sometimes more of one than the other ... and sometimes both equally together ... I will also be paying particular attention to extending your range ... and depth ... with regards to your tool ... kit ... and technique both ... count ... on it ... this will not be a 'one trick pony' in terms of the positions we take ... yet it will all focus in and get down ... to just one thing ... you're ablility to be effective in your life ... on your own and with others ... and ultimately wind up just where you want to be ... sittin' pretty ... leaning back ... smoking' ... after a job well done ... putting your life together ... in a way just right for you ... and includes others ... as you choose them ... one at a time ... or all together.

So look forward to a much more outrageous ... and blatant disply of the tool (as I've said) kit and technique both ... as we go forth. A much, much larger arsenal awaits you ... so do let me know if you're interested yet ... if I've mangaged to catch ... and capture you attention ... at least enough to get you to consider coming ... back ... again ... and maybe again after that ... so see what I'm up to here ... on this blog of ours.

Joseph Riggio


Joseph Riggio said...

As I just love feedback ... ask anyone who knows me ... I've set this blog to allow anyone brave enough, fearless enough, reckless enough who possesses the requisite purity of heart and strength of arm (or at least fingers ...) open to post comments.

So squires and maids ... go forth and comment!

Anonymous said...

I'm all for getting down to it, being effective.. Living in the world, being present to the unfolding of my life moment by moment... It feels tantric, coming to the point of release, but maintaining the tension, holding the space, enjoying the pleasure of being in the now... But maybe I'm enjoying the pleasure too much, I'm still in my cave not sharing the boon with others.. And then there's the desire to be the hero, in the world, showing up making a difference... I like the latest Spiderman film, it's only when he takes the mask off that he finds his true power, and gets the girl :-)

So yes, attention captured, ready in anticipation of more. Did I see 4th Way in your list of interests?

Anonymous said...

Hi, tried to sign in but was unable to establish an account. Anyway, very much looking forward to such tool kit and techniques!!! Mark Roche

Jeri said...

I had to laugh reading this. The firm I work for just gave away mini tool kits in goodie bags at a golf tournament with the firm's name imprinted on them. They are useful in nature and fun to own also.

I am looking forward to your future blogs (and I have read all of them to date now) as I get educated on subjects I have never studied, I smile when I identify with a description of my "state" in the Universe or receive reminders (as the case may be), and I experience the wonderment of a child while I am reading. Tools, entertainment, smiles, reminders, education - all will be welcomed and appreciated.

Thanks for putting out!